Part 2 of ANSI/IIAR 2-2021 includes chapters 4-7.
Chapter 4: Location of Ammonia Refrigeration
Chapter 4 discusses the location of ammonia refrigeration equipment, providing guidelines for compliance with the regulations. It states that ammonia refrigeration equipment can be located in a machinery room or outdoors in conjunction with a secondary coolant. Listed equipment containing a specified amount of ammonia can be installed without a machinery room, and outdoor installations must adhere to specific requirements. The chapter also outlines permissible indoor installations in industrial occupancies, as well as in public assembly, commercial, residential, and large mercantile occupancies, with limitations on ammonia quantities and discharge concentrations. The exceptions to these regulations are also detailed for different types of occupancies.
Chapter 5: General System Design Requirements
The chapter outlines the design requirements for closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems, covering specifications for anhydrous ammonia purity, volume calculations for ammonia release concentration, and design pressure considerations. It details minimum design pressure requirements for low-pressure and high-pressure sides of the system, as well as material, purging, oil management, and insulation requirements. The guidelines for installation, support, accessibility, testing, and signage of refrigeration equipment containing ammonia are also described, with specifications for insulation, support design, accessibility for maintenance, labeling, and signage. Additionally, specific requirements for the operation and safety of refrigeration equipment are outlined, including the type of compressor oil to be used, emergency shut-off valve identification, equipment enclosures, protection of moving parts, vessel pumpdown capacity, illumination of equipment areas, means of egress, and electrical safety. The section also addresses ammonia piping marking, detection and interlocks, and the use of used equipment in existing or new systems, emphasizing compliance with relevant codes and regulations throughout.
Chapter 6: Machinery Rooms
Chapter 6 outlines the requirements for machinery rooms, covering construction, fire protection, equipment supports, air flow control, access and egress, storage of combustible materials, and safety measures such as eyewash/safety shower units. It also has provisions regarding open flames and hot surfaces, sets guidelines for piping, and specifies conditions for connecting ammonia cylinders to a refrigeration system.
The standard details requirements for installation of eyewash/safety shower units, electrical safety regulations for hazardous locations, drainage system design, entrance and exit door features, lighting requirements, and emergency control switches. It also includes specifications for ammonia detection and alarm systems.
Ventilation systems are required to be designed to detect and respond to ammonia concentrations, triggering various alarm responses and activating emergency ventilation. Exhaust fans, air makeup, and equipment shutdown are also included in the ventilation system in the event of high ammonia levels. Temperature control is also required.
This chapter also addresses signage for machinery rooms.
Chapter 7: Refrigeration Equipment Located in Areas Other than Machinery Rooms
Chapter 7 outlines the requirements for ammonia refrigeration systems and equipment located in areas other than machinery rooms in various types of buildings. It includes provisions for separation from other occupancy classifications, restricted access, detection and alarms, protection from physical damage, environmental compatibility, illumination, service provisions, and electrical classification. It also specifies requirements for emergency ventilation, outdoor systems, and equipment pits located indoors. The chapter aims to ensure the safe installation and operation of ammonia refrigeration equipment in non-machinery room spaces.